VCC ELSA Art Show - Listen to the Story 1 - 11


Put your mouse on the bottom left of the slide show. Click the white box next to the yellow person. Use the arrows to move the slides forward and back. Find slide 1. Press the green play button and complete the activity below. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation.
The leader   •  performing artists   •  is holding   •  quickly joined   •  to help   •  very interesting   •  the art show   •  told a story   •  an encore   •  more peace   •  traditional music   •  from Cuba   •  from Ethiopia   •  loved it   •  the flute   •  is wearing   •  a traditional   •  for over 20   •  gorgeous white dress   •  storytelling   •  fantastic  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
1. Shamsi is . She has been dancing years.
2. A group of ELSA students in English, Vietnamese, French, Farsi, Kurdish, and Chinese. The story was about bringing into the world. It was a wonderful story.
3. Shamsi is wearing a . She a headband, two necklaces and many bracelets. She a shawl.
4. Kurdish students are doing Kurdish dance. Alex, an ELSA instructor, the group!
5. is wearing a beret and is waving a colourful scarf.
6. Vesna, an ELSA instructor, helped to organize the . Vesna likes to help students with and other types of performing arts. Thanks Vesna.
7. Lily and Jasjit, ELSA instructors, helped to organize the performing artists and . They worked after class the students. Thanks Lily and Jasjit.
8. Two students were so good that everyone asked to have one more song— . They were .
9. Shamsi is dancing to Oromo music, the of her people in Ethiopia.
10. This violinist played Mongolian Teenager, a song. It was .
11. One Cuban student is playing . The other is playing the guitar. The guitarist sang La Bamba. Everyone .
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English