Let's Talk Family - Possessive Adjectives - Your - His - Her - Their


Click and Drop: click on a word in the box below and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
her   ·  your   ·  his   ·  your   ·  her   ·  their   ·  her   ·  their   ·  his   ·  her   ·  her   ·  husband's/wife's/best friend's   ·  your   ·  his   ·  his   ·  his   ·  their   ·  your  
1.How many children do you have? Do you have boys or girls?
2.What are names? - What is name? - What is name?
3.What does daughter like to do in free time?
4.What is favourite food?
5.What does son like to do in free time?
6.What is favourite food?
7.Are you married or single?
8.What is your name?
9.What does he like to do in free time? – What does she like to do in free time?
10.What is favourite food? - What is favourite food?
11.How often do you speak to parents?
12.What do they like to do in free time?
13.What are favourite foods?
14.Do you ever send mother or father a gift, card, or letter by mail?
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English